How Long Does Turkey Bacon Last in the Fridge

How Long Does Turkey Bacon Last in the Fridge? Shocking Truth Revealed!

Regarding turkey bacon, one of the biggest questions is: How long does it last in the fridge? Whether you’ve just opened a fresh pack or have some leftover slices from breakfast, knowing how long does turkey bacon last in the refrigerator is essential for ensuring its freshness and safety. In this article, we’ll explore the surprising truth about how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge, provide valuable storage tips, and explain how to keep your turkey bacon safe to eat for as long as possible. Understanding how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge can help you avoid waste and enjoy your meals with confidence.

What is Turkey Bacon?

How Long Does Turkey Bacon Last in the Fridge

Turkey bacon is a popular alternative to traditional pork bacon, known for its lower fat content and healthier profile. It’s made from finely chopped or ground turkey meat, seasoned and shaped into strips that resemble bacon. While it may look and cook like regular bacon, turkey bacon has different storage requirements and a different shelf life in the fridge. Understanding how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge is crucial for proper storage and ensuring it remains safe to eat.

How Long Does Turkey Bacon Last in the Fridge?

If you’re wondering, “How long does turkey bacon last in the fridge?” the answer largely depends on whether the package is opened or unopened.

Unopened Turkey Bacon

When stored properly, unopened turkey bacon typically lasts 7-14 days in the fridge. The exact time can vary based on the brand, but most packaging will include a “use by” or “best before” date. It’s always wise to check this date and store your turkey bacon in the coldest part of the fridge to maximize its shelf life.

Opened Turkey Bacon

Once opened, turkey bacon’s shelf life shortens considerably. Opened turkey bacon lasts around 5-7 days in the fridge. After this time, it may begin to spoil, even if it doesn’t appear to have gone wrong at first glance. Be sure to re-wrap the bacon tightly or store it in an airtight container to help preserve its freshness.

How to Recognize If Your Turkey Bacon Is Faded

How Long Does Turkey Bacon Last in the Fridge

Even with careful storage, turkey bacon can spoil. To know if your turkey bacon has gone wrong, it’s essential to recognize the signs. Understanding how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge can help you monitor its freshness. Here are the most obvious signs that your turkey bacon is no longer safe to eat:

Changes in Smell

A sour or off-putting smell is one of the first signs of spoiled turkey bacon. If it smells rotten or gives off an unusual odour, it’s best to throw it away.

Slimy or Sticky Texture

Fresh turkey bacon should feel firm and moist, not slimy or sticky. If you notice any sliminess, it’s a clear sign that your turkey bacon has spoiled.


If the turkey bacon’s colour has changed from its usual pinkish hue to grey, green, or brown, it’s time to toss it out. Discolouration is a sign of bacterial growth, which can be harmful if consumed.

Proper Storage Tips to Make Turkey Bacon Last Longer

Now that you know how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge, let’s explore some storage tips to help extend its shelf life. Proper storage techniques can make a significant difference in maintaining the freshness and safety of your turkey bacon.

Store It in the Coldest Part of the Fridge

Keep turkey bacon in the coldest part of your fridge, typically near the back or bottom shelf. This area stays consistently excellent, which helps preserve the bacon’s freshness.

Use Airtight Containers

After opening a package of turkey bacon, transfer the leftovers into an airtight container or resealable bag. By doing this, you can lessen the chance of spoiling due to air and moisture exposure.

Freeze for Long-Term Storage

If you can’t finish turkey bacon within its recommended fridge life, you can freeze it. Frozen turkey bacon lasts up to 6 months, making it an excellent option for long-term storage. To freeze, wrap individual slices in plastic or foil, then store them in a freezer-safe bag.

Can You Eat Expired Turkey Bacon?

How Long Does Turkey Bacon Last in the Fridge

Eating expired turkey bacon can be risky. If you’re wondering how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge and the “use by” date has passed, it’s better to be cautious and throw it out. While turkey bacon might still look or smell okay after its expiration date, bacteria could be growing on it, which could cause foodborne illness. Knowing how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge can help you avoid such risks. It’s always better to be safe than sorry about expired turkey bacon.

Is Turkey Bacon Safe to Eat After 7 Days?

While turkey bacon can last up to 7 days in the fridge, it’s essential to pay attention to the signs of spoilage mentioned earlier. Even if it’s within the 7-day window, if you notice a terrible smell, slimy texture, or discolouration, it’s safer to discard it. Always trust your senses when determining whether turkey bacon is safe to eat.

Health Risks of Eating Spoiled Turkey Bacon

Eating spoiled turkey bacon can lead to food poisoning, which may cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, and fever. Bacteria like Salmonella or Listeria can grow on improperly stored or expired turkey bacon, leading to serious illness. To avoid these risks, make sure to store your turkey bacon correctly and check for signs of spoilage before consuming.

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How Long Does Cooked Turkey Bacon Last in the Fridge?

If you’ve already cooked turkey bacon, its shelf life is slightly shorter than uncooked bacon. Cooked turkey bacon lasts about 3-4 days in the fridge. Store it in an airtight container and reheat it thoroughly before eating to ensure safety.

Can You Refreeze Thawed Turkey Bacon?

If you’ve thawed turkey bacon in the fridge and haven’t cooked it yet, it’s generally safe to refreeze it. However, freezing and thawing repeatedly can affect the quality of the bacon, leading to changes in texture and taste. It’s best to freeze turkey bacon in smaller portions to avoid the need to refreeze leftovers.

So, how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge? Unopened bacon can last up to 14 days, while opened bacon stays fresh for 5-7 days. Always store your turkey bacon properly, watch for signs of spoilage, and when in doubt, throw it out. Following these tips will keep your turkey bacon fresh and safe to enjoy.

Now that you know the shocking truth about how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge, you’re better equipped to store it properly and enjoy it at its best. Remember to pay attention to the “use by” dates, signs of spoilage, and proper storage methods to maximize the freshness of your turkey bacon. Understanding how long does turkey bacon last in the fridge can help ensure your food stays safe and your meals remain delicious. Whether you’re a turkey bacon lover or enjoy it occasionally, following these simple guidelines will help you make the most of your turkey bacon.